
🇹🇭 No Longer a Tourist

You moved to Thailand.

Now you are on a budget.

You are no longer a tourist.

How does life change from a tourist to a resident?

When people first visit Thailand as a tourist, they usually have a pocketful of money.

Everything is new and exciting.

That one experience has changed 1000’s of minds to move to Thailand fulltime.

But what happens when you no longer have that pocket full of money to blow in 2 weeks at high end resorts, restaurants and attractions?

Many folks settle in to an under-sized condo in their location of choice. They resort to eating street food and trying to live within a fixed budget. Gone are the days of the expensive resorts, restaurants and attractions.

Is it still fun for them?

Yes, for some it takes a while or a negative event before they wise up to the fact that being a tourist and living here full time is like night and day.

I think the biggest issue is when they start worrying about money and visas.

It is very hard for young foreigners to make money in Thailand. Many come and teach English and learn quite quickly the long hours and low pay, is not the same life they expected as a tourist. After doing this for months, they get burned out.

Digital Nomads, those that have software skills and can earn good money, are more likely to succeed. Many of these digital nomads can set their own work schedules and still enjoy all the time a tourist has.

Retired folks, most have earned a pension and have enough income every month the rest of their lives that they never have to worry, can buy a house, car, and live like a normal person.

I think what is lacking is any evidence or history/stories of young people that have been able to survive in Thailand 20 or 30 years and how they did it?

New Youtuber’s trying to make a financial go of things are going to find out the hard way, when having to do Visa Runs every 90 days. What happens when the regulations change overnight like right now? 2 Covid Jabs required for re-entry? Dangerously scary way to live in Thailand when you are only guaranteed 90 days at a time.

Living in Thailand fulltime and being a tourist is like night and day.

You best understand that fulltime is not all fun and games.

You may not have to money for travel or entertainment or anything.

The walls on that tiny condo you rented will close in.

You will find yourself wishing for more and their will be no financial opportunities.

The lure of Thailand is like a siren calling maritime sailors to a slow death.

It is best to be aware and mitigate all of the differences between being a tourist and living here full time before you commit.

Chok Dee!
