
🇹🇭 The Big Myth

Thailand is cheap. That is the biggest myth there is.

Tons of expats sing the praises of how cheap Thailand is, when it fact that is about as far from the truth as you can get.

I never knew anyone in all my years of living in the US that was living in a one room flat and didn’t own a car.

Everyone I knew owned a free standing home, and at least 2 cars.

I think you see the idea.

If you move to Thailand, buy a house, buy cars, buy health insurance, pay international tuition, pay your annual visa’s and park up to 800,000 thb in the bank each year, then tell me how cheap Thailand is?

The fact is, Thailand is not cheap.

Silly Youtuber’s and tourist that move to Thailand, live in a 1 room box condo and own nothing will tell you Thailand is cheap.

However, compare apples to apples.

Thailand is NOT cheap.

You can live in a rusty trailer in redneck America cheaper than a 1 room condo in Bangkok.

Compare apples to apples.

Living the same kind of life you had in the west, is not moving to Thailand and simply surviving because a 1 room condo is all you can afford.

Many expats have moved to Thailand, own a wonderful house and property, new cars and live their dream life. It is anything but cheap. Ask them.

Thailand is only cheap if you sacrifice your quality of life for only the life you can afford.


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