
Be on the Look Out!

When you visit Thailand as a tourist, you can never let your guard down for any reason. Do not get caught in the relaxed vibe and think ALL Thai’s love seeing you.

Crime against tourists is a major problem and it is getting worse.

You do NOT want to be a victim and have your holiday ruined.

This week a Pakistani tourist visiting Thailand for the first time had his wallet pickpocketed of all his holiday money (~$900).

There is NO such thing as friendly strangers in Thailand. If you are approached by friendly strangers, do not stop and engage in conversation with them. Keep moving on by with NO interaction.

In related news, police arrested a tuk tuk driver who stole money and belongings from an American tourist. The thief sped away from the scene with the victim’s possessions, worth over 40,000 baht.

In other news, a Thai teenager pickpocketed ~400 pounds from a foreign tourist. The incident turned heated as the tourist demanded the return of his money, assisted by a local Thai woman.

For your own safety, always be aware of your wallet and passport. Never carry these in a position they can be pickpocketed!


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