
Know Your Foreign Man

Many Thai women dream about getting married to a foreigner.

Many Thai women believe all foreigners are rich.

There are many Thai women that do not appear to know anything!

Just because you have a foreign boyfriend is NOT a financial guarantee of anything.

Come on girl, do you know how many BROKE foreigners are living in Thailand?

Do you know many foreigners do not have the minimum amount of money per month to qualify for a visa?

Did you know that foreigners here teaching English do NOT have a lot of money?

Do you know how much a car, house, land, furniture, tuition for your kids cost?

Here is some advice ladies.

The very, very, very, very first thing you should understand before getting serious with a foreign boyfriend is EXACTLY how much money he earns. Make him prove it to you!

You don’t want to find out later on that all he can afford is a one room flat with a fan and a BTS ticket.

Normal couples are able to afford a new house, car, clothes, furniture, holidays, dining out, you name it. It is no different than 2 Thai’s that get married.

Image the HUGE LOSS OF FACE when you bring your foreign boyfriend home and tell your parents he is broke?

If your boyfriend CANNOT make your dreams come true, he is NOT the ONE FOR YOU!

Don’t be FOOLISH and try to think otherwise!

No money no honey!
