100’s of Youtuber’s and their crazy posts “Live in Thailand on $500 a month, Live in Thailand on $1,000 a month etc.
Those folks are extremely misled and uneducated to the real costs of living in Thailand.
They mislead all their viewers as well with their foolish ideas trying to make enough money on Youtube to stay in Thailand.
Who in their right mind would rent a condo the size of a normal house bathroom?
These folks own absolutely nothing and think they are living large.
No house, no land, no car, no nothing.
How in the world do you call that living?
How much are they saving for retirement? $ZERO!
Yes they all claim to be living large.
They cannot see past their own Pinocchio noses to the truth.
Some of the people, one I just read about was in Thailand 12 years.
Now back home with no skill, living with his parents and towing along a Thai wife and kid.
She must really love that life!
The truth is, if you try to live like a normal person would in their own country, the costs are the same and maybe even more in Thailand. Thailand is not cheap if you live like a normal person.
Buy land, build a house, buy a new car, pay for kids tuition, health insurance, VISA’s, western food, clothes, utilities, and even gas is higher in Thailand.
How can you compare walking to owning a car?
Another issue is a large percentage of these kids are in Bangkok or Chiang Mai, not having a clue what the air pollution is doing to them. And yes, no health insurance of course.
If you plan on retiring in Thailand, best talk to someone that has been here for years that is not spinning tales to make money on Youtube.
Even renting a house, utilities, health insurance, food and Visa will drive the costs up.
Many claim to live just fine on $1,000 a month, but they are not living, they are just barely surviving.
Big difference and you don’t want to spend your golden years in a box.
Understand ALL the ACTUAL costs, not the made up cheap Charlie costs.