
🇹🇭 More Than the Move

The way the world is going, I can understand people wanting to move for a better life.

I feel sorry for the millions that want to move and cannot.

Different countries have different regulations.

Some easy, some hard.

Some cheap, some expensive.

Then there is the task of getting rid of all your stuff in your own country.

Getting travel plans set up.

Not only the flights, you will need a place to stay when you land.

That new place will need a few things, unless it is furnished.

Internet, if you planning on working remote is a must.

Finding help with the language so you can find everything you need to get rolling.

So there you are, all set up and ready to go in your new country.

A deep sense of relief and pride that you made it all happen.

With the right move, like to Thailand, you might have cut your monthly expenses by a huge amount.

Now you actually have money for going out AND savings!

But with the move comes sacrifices.

Loss of friends from home. (But you can make new friends!)

No seeing the family regularly. (Unless they can afford to come visit)

A new and different culture, different language, foods, you name it.

For the first year or two, there are so many new things to see and do.

Now you have the money to do them.

But what then?

What happens when the missing home sets in and everything you miss about your own country?

What happens when you get tired of living in a condo the size of a bathroom?

What happens when all the little things set in and start to annoy you?

What is the thought process at this point?

Pro’s and Con’s of staying or going home?

Can you think past your current situation 50 years from now when you will need to retire?

Or are you stuck in what will happen today or tomorrow?

There is so much more than the move.

Moving is the easy part.

Making it work is the hard part.

Making it work forever is the impossible part.

It is extremely difficult for anyone to think years ahead.

Planning the future in a third world country is anyone’s guess?

Will you get married and start a family?

Will you want a nice house with some land, new cars and western luxuries?

Or is the future to far out there to see?

With every move, there is a counter move.

Giving thought to those counter moves first will help ensure your life turns out the best.

The move is more than a move.

It does get you our of your current situation.

But this move will present new situations.

How you successfully counter each move will determine your success.

If you plan a life changing move overseas, give some thought to what happens in the future and counter it now.

Good luck.

Rest assured millions have made this journey before you.
