Thailand is only amazing with money.
You had better believe it and there are probably 60,000,000 Thai people that would agree to that.
Tourists come equipped with a pocket full of money to see what ever they want, stay where ever that, do what ever they want and eat what ever they want.
Then they return home with an empty wallet.
Without that kind of daily spending, Thailand is not the place you think it is.
Do you think you could spend the rest of your life in Thailand renting a 1 room condo and eating Thai street food?
Not having any money to go anywhere, buy anything, do anything or eat what you want?
Or worse yet, have to work at teaching English?
There is a reason Thailand seems so magical when you come on a holiday with a pocketful of money.
That money is buying your happy, exciting holiday.
Rest assured, that is not real life here.
Enjoy your holiday but never think if you decide to move here, that your life will be like that everyday unless you have won the lottery!