
🇹🇭 Will Living in Thailand Get Old?

When tourists first visit Thailand, they are infatuated with everything Thai.

So much to the point they decide to make the big move and call Thailand home.

The excitement of living in Thailand, with so many things to see and do all over the entire country.

But what happens when Thailand gets old?

This could be for a number of different reasons.

You have to work a job with very long hours and little time off.

You cannot get a proper VISA and have to border bounce all the time.

Your income is not enough to allow you to do everything you could do on a 2 week tourist budget.

You have seen 1,000 temples and all the sites 100 times.

Now what?

For some people, it make take 10 years or more before the realization sets in that living in Thailand is getting old.

Years in Thailand, unless you are working on expat package for a western company, is a complete waste of career years.

Your experience in Thailand will not count for much.

Here you are 10 years older, little to no money saved and longing for more in life.

Did you leave any options to depart Thailand?

Is going back to live with your parents at age 30+ an option?

Do you have an education and any job skills that will provide a better life for you outside of Thailand?

Thailand is super fun, but as the years roll on, we start to realize how much life actually costs and we need to find or have a means to pay for it.

Working in Thailand with no retirement pension, no 401K matching, etc. does not give you an income when you get older and can no longer work.

When you are living in Thailand and having a ball, this thought never comes to mind.

However, sooner or later it will. Then what?

50 or 60 years from now is a long, long, long time.

Things change, places change, people change.

Give it some thought before throwing your entire future away.
