The news is reporting a death from a parasailing accident in Karon Beach, Phuket.
This is not the first time there has been accidental deaths and other accidents associated with parasailing activities.
Tourists should be advised these are FOR PROFIT businesses with the goal of making as much money per season as possible.
Where does safety fit into this equation? That is always the question when there is a death involved.
I personally do NOT try these risky activities. Maybe as a Thai, I am more aware that money is the goal more than safety and I do not trust the operators.
The owners of the business often hire the uneducated and unskilled low paid workers to reap as much profit as they can. As such, you are putting your life into their hands.
No thank you.
Tourists should ALWAYS remember safety is not a #1 issue here in Thailand and you put yourself at risk with these types of activities.
Is it really worth the risk?