
Cars and More Cars

Bangkok is a city that was built for 1,000,000 cars.

Today, there are over 10,000,000 people living in Bangkok.

More cars and motorbikes that you could ever imagine, unless you have seem them with your own eyes.

Traffic is an absolute nightmare and it take can hours to get a very short distance.

Worse yet, parking is almost impossible to find.

As a Thai, if I have to go to Bangkok, I don’t even drive to the city.

I will park somewhere away from the city and take the BTS.

That way I will not waste time in traffic that moves along at a snail’s pace.

All of the cars are also contributing to the very poor AQI (Air Qualify) ratings for Bangkok.

Bangkok’s air pollution only continues to get worse.

I would think very hard about ever buying a condo in Bangkok.


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