
Retirement Costs

Let’s talk about retirement costs in Thailand.

Cars/Trucks more expensive than USA.

Gas more expensive.

Health Insurance same.

Housing. There are much cheaper options. However, be advised appreciation is non-existent and Thai’s do not like to buy second hand homes. There is a glutton of new condo’s on the market as it is. Also, once a condo building has been sold out, building owners have been known to disappear and the condo maintenance stops completely.

Food. Thai food is very cheap. However, most western foods are more expensive.

Utilities. Water is very cheap. Trash is cheap. If you use lots of air conditioning, expect an electric bill higher than in the US.

Clothes. There are cheap knockoffs of every brand name in the world here. So brand names really do not matter.

Mobile phone service, for a full package is cheaper than the US.

Cable TV about the same.

VISA costs. Annual VISA costs and minimum amounts in the bank each year to qualify for a VISA.

Tuition/Kids Education. International schools are much higher than in the US. Expect a good school to cost US $15,000 per year, per kid.

A person must research costs very carefully, so there are no surprises later in life.


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