
Second Guessing

After living in Thailand for a few years, it is easy to second guess your move there.

Once the shine and excitement of Thailand has worn off, you start to miss things, family, friends and the culture of your own country.

You might start to second guess why you are there and even how you ended up there?

For normal people that had a life in their own country, they will inevitably start to miss their own country at some point.

If you do not have the financial means to travel back and forth, it becomes even worse.

Despair can set in knowing you long for your own country but have no means to return.

You might realize your dollars are not going as far as you thought they would and you are not living the dream life you expected when you arrived.

Thailand is no different, it takes money. Money can buy happiness.

If you owned a home in your own country and settled for small condo in Thailand, sure things are going to go downhill.

The noise, the busyness or the area, no fresh air, no where to let the dog run.

Who knows the many thoughts that can take over?

No one can predict the future.

No one moving to Thailand can predict their future.

In the third world, anything is possible. Rule changes, currency exchange drops, health care costs. We simply cannot predict what will happen over time.

Your partner or spouse could pass and you simply want to go home.

It is best to have a plan B. In case you have to depart Thailand for any reason at all.

That might give some peace of mind.

Having a house and land where you can build your own oasis where you are happy to be everyday is another way to keep your sanity over the years.

Make your own paradise.

But always remember, in the third world things can go south for a number of reasons?

Be prepared with a back up plan.

The best advice before you make the big move, is try living in Thailand for 6 months to see if actually like it and can cope with all things Thai.


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