
You Either Do or Don’t

You either live in Thailand with a proper visa or you don’t.

I don’t care how many times you visited.

Don’t care how many Youtube videos you have made.

Don’t even care you are wasting your life away and not saving one baht for retirement.


What I see is a young generation dreaming of striking it rich instead of working like the rest of the world.

Spend your entire life working to build up enough finances to hold you 20 or 30 years into retirement.

The daily struggles, stress, the years of doing without. The sacrifices that need to be met.

Instead they think they will be the next 1 out of 10,000,000 rich social media-ist.

Wrong answer but you cannot tell these people anything.

I seriously wonder if these people understand how much cash you need in the bank when you retire to actually enjoy their golden years?

Do won’t make it frivoling years away pretending on Youtube.

If you cannot financial make it and you think Youtube is the answer, sorry to tell you it is not.

Go home, get a job and save for the next 30+ years.

Then and only then you might have enough to retire in Thailand.


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