
Your Thai Life

Thailand is just as mysterious to you, as it was to all the people that moved here before you.

The good news is Thailand is easy to figure out and settle in.

The bad news is there is a lot of inaccurate information out there.

It is not easy to sort through all the information on social media for what is accurate and what is not even close to being accurate.

The fact is, if you are willing to uproot your entire life to move to Thailand, you had better do your own thorough, factual, research.

With children, there is even more research to do. Most expats are shocked tuition can cost over US $15,000 per year for each kid.

VISA’s are the most important part of being able to live in Thailand long term. You must get your visa sorted out legally so there will be no worries staying in Thailand long term.

It should be noted there is a bunch of young expats in Thailand, surviving, skirting the visa rules and not giving one thought about what happens when they run out of money or get old?

Don’t do this to yourself!

Moving to Thailand is going to be your life and your families life.

Make it is as permanent and fool-proof as you can.

There is a lot to think about besides just getting here.

Instead of thinking how much you hate your life where you are, put all your energy into how can I LIVE (not survive) in Thailand the rest of my life?

If you can answer that question you are going to be just fine over the years.

Thailand is no different than your home country.

Things will change over time, some for the worst.

Make sure you understand that Thailand won’t ever be that wonderfully holiday when you first visited.

To live like a normal person in Thailand, it takes MONEY!

Anyone that tells you different is not living, just surviving.

Your Thai Life is going to depend on the decisions you make and understanding (Long Term) how am I going to be able to financially survive the rest of my life?

If you cannot answer that with minimum risk, you do not belong here.


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