
Beware Foreign Youtubers

Beware of foreign Youtuber’s spinning stories about you MUST do this or that before coming to Thailand.

These people do not have enough experience after 1 trip to Thailand to tell anyone what they must or must not do.

All of these “Things I Wish I Knew Before I Came to Thailand ” stories are ridiculously stupid.


Do you know what Google is?

Have you never traveled before?

Did you know 100,000,000+ people have already visited Thailand before you and done all the research?

The worst thing of all is these Youtuber’s are usually broke or short on funds and want to come up with false narratives to try to increase their chances to get more subscribers.

You don’t have to listen to any Youtuber at all, ever.

Thailand has millions of tourists each and every year.

They all figure out where to stay, what to see and how to get around without any help from Youtube.

The best advice possible is to do your OWN research from credible sources.

Never count on people spinning stories to make money.

The cool vibe about Thailand is that everything is super simple to figure out on your own and have fun doing it.


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