
Everyday is not a Holiday

Living in Thailand is no different than living in your home country when you actually get down to it.

Everyday is not a holiday. No Sir!

Thailand operates just like anywhere else when you live here fulltime.

Get up in the morning, take a shower, grab something to eat, fix or do things around the house like watering or gardening or other household tasks.

Take another shower, head out to some local place and have lunch.

Back to the house to escape the heat.

Later in the evening, head out to another local place for dinner.

Depending where you live, cities or tourist areas, you may be heading out to your favorite places to whittle the night away, drink some beers, ogle some bar-girls.

If you live in a rural area, probably watch the tele for a bit and off to sleep early.

The same life you had before you moved here (Maybe with the exception of ogling bar-girls)

Too many people on social media, and I expect a massively high percentage are tourists, that come and live up the tourist lifestyle for a month with a fist full of dollars, and tell themselves this is how living in Thailand must be.

Wrong, wrong and wrong!

Even with ample financial resources, you may be apt NOT to holiday as much do to massive traffic, crowds, high-seasoning prices or whatever.

No local I know wants to see Maya Bay with 1,000’s of other noisy tourists.

My family’s holiday most often entails going OUT of Thailand. A real holiday not just a weekly getaway to an over-crowded Thai tourist area.

Before selling up and moving to Thailand, a good recommendation for any one considering Thailand as a forever home, should come and rent a place for 6 months.

See what the real daily life and grind is before making a lifetime commitment to move here.

In a 2022 survey, it was reported 37% of expats ended up moving back to their own countries for various reasons.

If you have never lived in a foreign country, you should really give it a trial run to make sure it is where you want to spend the rest of your life.


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