
The Only Farang

How would you feel if you were the only foreigner in your village with no other foreigners within 40km?

This is an occurrence that can happen in rural Isaan.

Some small villages only have 1 expat that lives there and there are many villages that have been this way for years.

My village is the same. My husband was and still is the first and only foreigner in this village.

We would have to drive at least 40 km to see another one, even though that is no guarantee.

In the beginning it was very strange as everyone in the village wanted to come over and see a foreigner. However, after all these years, it is no longer a novelty.

Some foreigners enjoy being the only one and are not interested in hanging out with other foreigners. It might sound boring, but most in Isaan have large families and plenty of family activities to occupy their time.

Others have tried to live this way and the lack of communication with similar others was not for them and they moved.

Rural Isaan is not for everyone as the peacefulness and seclusion can get boring for some.

If you find yourself as the only foreigner in a rural village in Isaan, give it a chance.

You might find out it is very enjoyable and stress-free!


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