
Can Thailand Do Better?

It’s 2022. Can Thailand do a better job for it’s 66,000,000 citizens? Or, is Thailand mired in corruption so deep, that any positive changes seem impossible?

Thai people have been suffering for years and years and years.

Whether it is financial, education, unemployment, health, or lack of opportunities; Thai people have suffered.

Thai people continue to suffer to this day. Why? Why isn’t anyone asking why?

In a passive society, silence can only mean one thing? Nothing will ever change and we see that in Thailand in 2022.

Flooding is still a major issue after billions have been spent over the last 10+ years.

COVID wiped out people’s livelihoods and completely killed the tourism industry.

Education scores continue to get worse and worse. All you see these days are more and more expensive private schools run as businesses. What about schools in rural areas for the less fortunate?

Unemployment has hit epidemic levels? What has been done to create new jobs or opportunities?

Why is air pollution taking control of the major cities with no plan in sight to prevent Thai cities turning into Chinese cities? (Think Shanghai pollution levels).

What hope and future do the less fortunate Thai teens have?

In lieu of all of these woes, the rich continue to get richer at an alarming rate. Even though the country is forever moving backward in every single direction, the rich continue to get richer.

Who/where are all the all hero’s that will guarantee to change the future of Thailand, instead of making themselves rich?

Can you not feel their suffering?
