
It Won’t Happen to Me

Seems like almost every week we are reading about another expat with serious medical issues and no insurance.

No insurance, no money, family back home has no money, so a Go Fund Me Page is setup.

While no one wishes this on anyone, if you are past age 70 and have no medical insurance? That is just plain foolish.

If you cannot afford medical insurance, then Thailand is probably not the place for you.

Old age will catch up to everyone at some point in their lives.

Why not plan for it?

Once again, if you cannot afford medical insurance, Thailand is not the place for you. Hospital bills need to be paid regardless.

The more expats that do not pay, the tougher the regulations get for all the rest of the expats in Thailand.

When a person decides to retire to Thailand, health insurance should be figured into the personal finance budget.

Older folks have no business living in Thailand or anywhere other than their home countries if they cannot afford health insurance.

No one wants to see anyone in this situation, however, there would not be a situation if they had planned and had health insurance.

If you cannot afford health insurance, go home while you still can.
