
Everyday Life

When you live in Thailand full time, everyday life is the same as anywhere else in the world. You wake up in the morning and have a set routine.

Past of Isaan life is waking up early. Taking a shower and heading to the local market to find something to eat. Pre-cooked meals and coffee, fresh fruit, you name it.

A walk around the bustling early morning market before heading back home.

Once home, it will be tending to things around the house, watering the plants, cleaning the house/yard, same chores as anywhere.

The thing about Thailand, if you don’t have to work a regular job, is you can wake up and not really do anything if you don’t want to.

Often after the chores are completed, might go to Tesco, Makro or other grocery stores. Or might find a local place to get out and have lunch. Tons of choices nearby each day.

Might get a hair cut, get the oil changed in the car or 100 others things everyone does in the west.

It is the same routines in a different country.

Afternoon back to the market, get things for dinner, cook outside with family and hang around. Always lots of people around.

Evenings can watch a movie, or use the internet.

If you are not a tourist, you have a relatively normal life and routine, just like where you came from.

The big difference is if you do not have to work, you are free to do whatever you want that day.


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