
Wasting Years in Thailand

For the younger crowd, every single year you spend in Thailand is wasting years off your ability to save and earn a pension.

So many Youtubers, Student VISA’s, Border Hoppers, and others stretching out their time living in Thailand as long as possible.

In the end what does that get you if you are unable to qualify for a legal visa a few years from now?

You end up going back to your home country broke and with zero job experience that anyone would ever hire you for.

Sorry, no one wants TEFL teachers in first world countries teaching their kids.

Younger people get lost in their desire to do nothing, never once realizing they may live to 70 or 80 or beyond?

For every person on social media that can earn a good living here, 1,000 others fail and go home.

Going home, years older and when an employer asks what you have been doing, that is a huge strike against you when you have no work experience.

To be successful in Thailand you need a GUARANTEED INCOME. Period! For as long as you are going to live here.

If you are forced to earn money while living in Thailand by social media or teaching English, the deck is fully stacked against you.

You won’t ever make it to retirement.

Thailand is a great place to live. But living in a great place does not pay the bills.

You may be popular now and get some sponsors, but what happens when those dry up?

If living in Thailand were easy for young people, the country would be more than half foreigners.

But it isn’t.

Thailand is a country for retirees and those with guaranteed fixed incomes only.


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