
Mia Noi

A Mia Noi, which literally means ‘little woman’ or ‘second wife’, refers to a married man’s mistress in Thai culture. This phenomenon is deeply rooted in Thailand’s history and social norms.

The Mia Noi is usually a younger, unmarried woman having an affair with a married man. The man can be of any social status, but the practice is more common among wealthy or powerful men. These men can support their Mia Noi financially, and in return the Mia Noi offers companionship, intimacy and sometimes children.

A Mia Noi is an informal, extra-marital relationship between a married man and another woman. This relationship can range from a short-lived fling to a long-term commitment that can sometimes span many years.

There are several reasons why men choose to have a Mia Noi, such as:

  • Social status: Having multiple wives or mistresses is sometimes seen as a sign of wealth and power.
  • Sexual Desires: Some men have a Mia Noi to satisfy their sexual needs that cannot be fulfilled by their wives.
  • Emotional Needs: A Mia Noi can provide emotional support and companionship when a man is dissatisfied with his marriage.

When the first wife finds out that her husband has a mistress, it does not necessarily mean the end of the marriage. Some Thai women don’t mind. As long as she and the children are supported, it is acceptable to her. She does not want to risk that he will choose his mistress and she will be left alone with the children.

Most wives accept this in lieu of getting divorced, financially cut off and left to support the children.

On occasions, there are reports of violent retaliation from the wife against the Mia Noi.


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