
Hello Thailand Facebook Group

People become desperate from money and do all kinds of crazy things online to try to make money.

Thailand themed Facebook groups are one way.

Hello Thailand is run by 2 foreigners, Paul Jabour and Rich Pearson, neither of which live in Thailand. (Paul is in his 70’s and I suspect Rich is near that age as well).

Rich Pearson lived in Thailand for many years until he ran out of money and is now back in the UK working trying to save enough money to come back to Thailand.

Paul lived in Thailand but was divorced and lost it all, now back in Australia.

Are these 2 really experts you want to learn about Thailand from?

In a short time their group has amassed over 100,000 members.

Paul Jabour had a group before with 400,000 members but he lost it somehow and will not reveal what happened?

This Facebook group is nothing but a cesspool of illegally copied reels and photos, advertisements and misinformation.

2 admins who don’t even live in Thailand claiming to be experts?

Come on.

You know when you get the admins copying and pasting content because they do not live in Thailand and have any real content of their own, the group is nothing but a cesspool and a money grab.

What amazes me is 100,000+ members will join up and watch all this ridiculous garbage thinking it is the best thing in the world?

It totally amazes me how gullible people can be.

Instead of visiting blogs and websites with content from people actually living in Thailand, they will sign up for this crap.

Hello Thailand posted their stats once.

Out of 100,000+ members, less than 60 people had actually posted something.

Much of the content, you don’t even know if it is current or from years ago.

Much of the content they never even state where it is.

Some of the copied content claiming to be Thailand, isn’t.

Yet the power of Facebook to suck in 100,000+ members with nothing but copied content.

Beware of false profits comes to mind.

If you claim to love Thailand so much, why do you not live there and share some real life content?

PS Yes their logo is that blurry


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