
Flooding is a Problem

Flooding is a serious problem in Thailand.

Although billions have been spent over the years studying flooding, there has never been a remedy to date.

Whether Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket or ALL of rural Thailand, flooding continues every single year.

I believe Thai people have come to an understanding this is a problem they will face every single year.

Whether the streets in Bangkok or Pattaya flooding 2 feet deep in less than an hour or all of parts of rural Thailand being under water, Thai people know what to expect.

The amount of rain that falls each monsoon season in more than the city drains can handle and more that can soak in dry ground in rural Thailand, hence the flooding.

Flooding can cause mudslides and death, as witnessed in Phuket this week.

Flooding and crossing flooded roads is never a sure thing and can be extremely dangerous.

Avoid flooded roads and streets at all costs.

If you are foreigner looking for land in rural Thailand, make 100% sure to talk to the locals and ask them about flooding issues before buying any land.

It is 2024, there is a lot of smart people in Thailand, yet no one has solved the flooding issues year after year.

Be safe.


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