
Barking Dogs Warning

When you choose a place to live in Thailand, choose very carefully if dogs are around or if the immediate neighbors own dogs.

Townhouses and gated communities right next to each could have a serious problem with dogs barking non-stop.

In the news, Niwit explained that he and Siwaporn live just two houses apart. He had repeatedly complained about her dog barking incessantly but she had never taken any action to resolve the issue. Yesterday, Siwaporn approached his house with a gun, calling him out. When he confronted her, she shot him, leading to his injury.

Complaining to the dog’s owner never seen to resolve anything except more severe violence.

In these cases many Thai people only think about themselves and not their neighbors.

BEFORE you choose a place to stay in Thailand research if the neighbors have dogs. If so, you might want to find another place to live.

Getting shot, is not worth it.


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