
Can You Tame a Bar Girl

That is a question many men that come to Thailand ask themselves.

Can they get a sexy girl from the bar to be their girlfriend or wife?

I will give you my thoughts on this:

  1. She has to want to get out of the bar into a normal life.
  2. You have to be someone she won’t be afraid of being seen with.
  3. You have to have enough money to meet her expectations.
  4. She has to enjoy her time together with you.
  5. You have to be generous and caring towards her and her family (Not Selfish!)

Pretty Simple things or so they seem.

However, generally if you can meet the 5 items above, you have a very good chance.

Bar girls are just as normal as anyone else. Due to life’s circumstances, many end up in the bar but wish for a better life.


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