
Does Thailand Get Boring?

Tourists visiting Thailand are amazed to the point that they instantly want to pack up and move fulltime.

What they don’t realize is living in Thailand can get just as boring as your home country.

Sooner or later, after the years roll by, you will have seen and done it all; if you can afford to stay that long.

The stress of living with limited money and not being able to “live it up” takes it’s toll.

The younger people that move and have to work as a school teacher, soon find out Thailand is much different when you cannot be a tourist 24/7.

Then Thailand can get boring. Imagine working 6 days a week slogging away as an English teacher for a very limited salary? You will never have time and always be too tired to go anywhere, preferring to catch up on sleep.

Thailand is really not the place for the underfunded.

Yes many retired folks can get by with a comfortable life on less, I wouldn’t advocate trying that.

Thailand best fits those retired with a very adequate pension. I mean like 100,000+ tbh a month where you can afford to live like a normal person, pay your bills and have some left over.

I was extremely luck to marry and now that I am a US citizen, we have other homes in the USA. It is wonderful to travel. Florida is close to the Caribbean Islands which are my favorite.

However, all that is not possible if you cannot afford it.

10 years can go buy rather quickly in Thailand.

Then you wake up one morning questioning where you are at in life and where you are going.

Many are disillusioned with what they see.

Thailand is no different than your home country.

Sooner or later, if you are not living to your expectations, you will get bored and long for more.

Do yourself a favor before you move?

Have a Plan B.


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