How many people flock to Thailand’s top tourist attractions to take a selfie, simply to tell the whole world look at me “I have been there”
Regardless of the experience, the most important thing in the world is that selfie and bragging rights that you have been there.
Who wants to waste their holiday (or a part of it), going to a place like Maya Bay where there might be 1,000+ tourists on the beach?
Pay 400 thb just to stand in Maya Bay knee deep in the water to take a selfie. (No swimming is allowed).
Have 100 super noisy, overcrowded boats all trying to disembark passengers at the same time, just to be there a short while for a selfie.
Does anyone really care if you have been to Maya Bay? Do you get any special prize for showing the world your selfie as evidence you were there?
No One Cares!
The whole world has already been here.