
Low Wage Earners

The majority of people you will come in contact with in Thailand are low wage earners.

Perhaps averaging 6,000 to 10,000 (US $176 to US $295) thb per month.

The will include food vendors, motorcycle taxis, resort workers, restaurant workers, etc.

These people work very hard 6 days a week for this small amount of money.

These people are the same as all of us. Wishing for more to be able to buy things they like, but they accept and live with what they earn.

The majority will never own a house or car.

For the most part, they go about their mundane daily jobs providing smiles and good service. Although anyone can have a bad day.

When you think about trying to survive in Thailand on such a small amount of money, you really start to understand the reality for the masses of Thai people.

This is all they will ever earn and all they will ever have.

It is not wrong or shameful to want more or to even want things.

But remembering that this is still a third world country where the majority are low wage earners.

When you cross paths, remember the hardships they face to serve you.

Be nice and show respect.

These are the people that really make Thailand so enjoyable.


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