
Making Change for 100 Baht

When you visit Thailand, you will inevitably buy things and it is best to know how to make change for a 100 baht bill.

Thailand’s currency is a combination of coins and paper bills.

You should learn each of the coins below so that you will know if the vendor gives you the correct change or not?

The satang’s are worth less than 1 baht and it many cases are not used.

It takes (4) 25 satang coins to equal 1 baht.

It takes (2) 50 satang coins to equal 1 baht.

The paper bill denominations are 20 baht, 50 baht, 100 baht, 500 baht and 1000 baht as shown below.

Each of the different bill denominations is a different color.

Understand how to make change in Thai currency will greatly increase your understanding in ensuring the vendor always gives you the correct change.

The check how much the bills are worth, you need to bounce them against your home currency on that given day as the rates change daily.


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