
Missing Every Where

No matter where you are, you will always miss where you were.

Tourists that have visited Thailand, often go back to their home countries and miss Thailand so much is causes a lot of grief.

It isn’t soon before plans are formulated to move to Thailand full time.

Plans often ill-planned, not thinking about the cost, the changing times or even making it to old age.

No matter where you are in the world, if you struggle with finances, a mundane life and cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, you will start missing things from where you were in your own country.

I believe this happens to everyone.

Thailand is certainly no magic bullet, nor is any other destination.

We will all miss those times and places that were near and dear to us.

What happens when you have one chance, you pack it all in and move to Thailand and become disillusioned over the years and start missing your own homeland?

Many people have found after not getting anywhere in Thailand for 10 years or more, the thought to return to their familiar surroundings becomes the only answer.

Time spent in Thailand is wasted time. You will for the most part get no experience or corporate credit from your time in Thailand.

Probably no savings, no pension or 401k matching contributions.

You will go home 10 years older, staying at home and looking for another mundane job to start over. Then this life will become mundane and you will start thinking all over about Thailand.

A vicious cycle that traps many young people disillusioned with their own countries and not yet learning the importance of making money and saving for retirement.

Without solid finances, any location can get old quite quickly and that most definitely includes Thailand.

As soon as the shine and new-ness wears off and you are forced to live week to week on limited finances, you will remember where you came from and how easier it was.

Trying to survive 30, 40 of 50 years in Thailand is no different than anywhere else in the world.

You have to be able to afford life and at the same time, save for another life called retirement.

No one can work forever.

The best scenario is having a job that pays well and affords you the time to spend in different locations. Your own country, Thailand or where ever else you want to be.

Short of that miracle, sooner or later you will miss where ever you came from.

It is just a matter of time.


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