Make no doubt about, money is #1 in Thailand.
Making money here is not easy and many Thai’s will resort to scams and crime to make money.
Lack of education, skills and good paying job opportunities are some of the reasons Thai people scam and commit crimes for money.
Others know no other way?
Money or the lack of it, directly influences your quality of life here.
Some people are happy with enough money to eat each day.
Others need money for the latest Iphone and to show off who they think they are.
Nevertheless, money is #1 here.
Some will do whatever it takes to make money. Drugs, prostitution, scams, you name it.
Forget pride or dignity, making money by any means is the main goal of society here.
While some can be happy selling fruit on the street corners, others seem to never be able to have enough to meet their selfish needs.
You have to understand money is #1 here and as a tourist, there will be Thai people that look at you and your money with jealousy and try to take it from you.
You might be carrying around more holiday money than some many people earn in an entire year.
Don’t forget, for many, they want money as much as you do.
Understand there are some Thai people that are not of good morals and will try to take what is not theirs.
Be aware of any situation involving money and do not get scammed out of your own money.
Be aware Thai people can be very cunning if they think you are naive.
Remember money is #1 here!