
No Sense Worrying

There is absolutely no sense worrying about people you do not know, have never met, social media, Youtube or anywhere else.

Thailand brings together expats from all kinds of backgrounds, backgrounds you never would have associated with in your own country.

Makes zero sense to ever think you can change their minds or opinions.

Any challenge will bring out the worst hostilities you can think of.

Trolls scour social media sites and Youtube comments looking for confrontation.

That is not to say 100% of people are trolls.

There are many commenters that challenge false or inaccurate information, even lies, only to be slammed by these trolls.

It also appears catching an expat in any wrong doing, working without a work permit, no proper visa, etc. with bring out an even worse confrontation.

You may find out in Thailand you won’t have many if any expat friends.

In the long run, that may be the best thing.


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