
Pretty Doesn’t Mean Nice

I think every single foreigner that comes to Thailand wants to find a very pretty, slender, fit girlfriend or eventual wife.

One thing to understand in Thailand is that being pretty doesn’t mean they are a nice person. Remember that and pay attention.

Very pretty girls do not stay single for long if they are nice girls from good families.

So if you are fortunate enough to meet a very pretty girl in Thailand, it is important to start asking questions?

Has she been married before?

Has she had a boyfriend before?

Has she dated foreigners before?

If the answer is yes to all these questions, the red flags should be popping up.

You have to ask yourself why is she still single?

The answer is she might not be a good person.

She may be very greedy, a gold digger, or want too many things for herself.

She may put her family high above you.

Whatever the reason is, you need to get yourself straight before she sinks her claws into you!

Lots of women in Thailand, start relationships at a very young age.

There is heartache, there is anger and there is the mentality that now it is ALL about me.

Perhaps after giving everything they could to their first love and it did not work, they think they better get all the can from before the relationship goes south.

The beauty can blind an old, out of shape and not so good looking expat into thinking he is really the one.

Many expats that fit this description are separated from everything they own by girls that are not nice. The price you pay for not being the kind of man they really wanted.

The best advice is to take your time getting to know someone new.

I do not think bad Thai girls are good at hiding their true feelings and if you date, it might not be a month before you learn that she is not a nice person.

In Thailand it works both ways.

There are many expats that are no prize and not nice either.

Chose wisely!


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