
Snakes in the House

Unfortunately, snakes getting into the house is a more common occurrence than you know.

Rural areas have issues with snakes getting into houses.

The good news is, that there are local rescue units that specialize in the removal of snakes!

To best avoid getting snakes in your house follow these tips:

Do not leave things cluttered around the house grounds where the snakes can hide.

Keep the yard clean and free of debris.

Seal any holes in exterior walls where snakes can enter.

Keep the yard trimmed.

Do not have bushy trees or bushes in close proximity to the house.

Remove any critters that may attract and be a source of food for the snakes.

Outside kitchens connected to the house with open access, the floor should get kept clear of any boxes, pots and pans, or anything a snake can hide under.

A large snake in the house can be a life threatening situation.

Minimize the risk to yourself by following the tips.


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