
The 3 Week Millionaire

The 3 week millionaire is a tourist that comes to Thailand on a holiday for 3 weeks and blows more money than most average Thai people make in a year.

It is true and there are many gents in the 3 week millionaire club.

These men work the entire year, saving up all their cash for those 3 weeks in Thailand where they go absolutely crazy spending on 5 star hotels, clubbing, fancy dining, traveling to the islands and lots of bar girls. Lots of bar girls!

3 week millionaires are not afraid of bragging about their wild exploits in Thailand and wear it as a badge of courage.

I read the odd comments sometimes where these 3 week millionaires state they would never live in Thailand, it is a disgusting, hot, dirty, over crowded destination.

But having a fistful of money and 1,000’s of slender, sexy bar girls makes it ideal for 3 weeks a year.

Thailand is what it is.

Most would call these men sexpats.

Everyone has their own reasons for coming here good and bad.


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