
The Best Wives

Someone asked, where can you find the best wives in Thailand?

It is important to note that not all women in Thailand are the same. There is a wide range of personalities and values among Thai women.

Most expats get exposed to women in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya and Phuket.

However, Thailand is a country much larger than those locations.

The total number of single women outside of those 4 areas is daunting.

Many expats never seem to venture out from the 4 locations above and therefore miss out on an opportunity to meet single women.

Away from the 4 major areas, single women may have never been exposed to expats at all. Many may find expats interesting and desireable.

I look at myself as an example.

Had my husband NOT been lost in extremely rural Thailand, we never would have met.


In my small village, I had never seen an expat and how here I am married for 15+ years!

In the 4 main areas, expats are likely to come across women that have moved there from rural regions for jobs and money to support their poor families back home. Some of these women get lost in a myriad of bad habits, broken relationships and other things that can hinder a relationship.

Bangkok and Chiang Mai seem to be the locations with the most college educated women.

Many of these women have their own careers and make enough money to sustain themselves. A good looking, young, educated woman is less likely to go for an expat in a mismatched relationship (age, fitness, financial). These women are happier with people their own age.

Many women move to Pattaya and Phuket in search of work, which the pay is never enough to get them what they desire in life. There is some thought of finding an expat husband, however, many believe it to be extremely difficult.

Trying to survive financially in these expensive tourists areas, women are known to pick up all kinds of bad habits just to get money.

With the data available you can cull from social media, it appears the expats married the longest all married women from outside of the 4 major areas and a majority from rural Isaan.

I think many of these woman have strong family values and are proven hard workers. They realize the good fortune in finding an expat and are fiercely loyal to their husbands.

All that being said, the divorce rate for expats and Thai women is extremely high.

Social media expats do nothing but completely bash the Thai woman as all her fault, blah, blah, blah, never accepting anything as their own fault.

Thailand does not attract the cream of the crops expats and for every good, stable, expat, there are 10,000 bad ones.

Alcoholism, cheating and money seem to be the biggest causes of divorce for expats.

If you go into a relationship telling stories about your net worth, sooner or later it is going to come back and hurt you.

The Cheap Charlie syndrome, where expats are so cheap with their Thai wives is another issue in itself. If you cannot afford a family, then don’t!

Honestly in my travels throughout Thailand I have seem expats belittle their wives/gf in public, yell at them and just be plain mean. Just because she is Thai doesn’t give anyone the right to behave like that, however, there are many bitter expats living in Thailand.

Finding a relationship in Thailand is no different than anywhere else in the world. Common expectations and mutual respect. Try to think about her? If she means anything at all to you, then be a good man and take care of her and she will do the same.

For some expats divorced in their home countries 2 or 3 times, it seems their behavior will never change.

Women in rural Thailand (most) realize an expat husband can completely change their lives for the better, (just like mine did). Most women will do everything humanly possible to be a good wife and to ensure the relationship lasts forever.

However, no matter the location in Thailand, expat men have to wise up and learn about the woman first. So many expats are so infatuated by a young lovely Thai woman, that they seem to lose all their common sense and never see the train wreck of red flags.

The issue at hand is when expat men come for a holiday in Thailand, they are limited to those 4 main areas. The majority never make it outside of those 4 areas, missing out on the largest number of single women that may make the best wives.

Not to say there isn’t good women everywhere, it is is just harder to find one in those 4 areas with no baggage or bad habits (however, it is not impossible if you take your time).

Meeting someone new on a 2 week holiday, realize once you leave, she still has to survive. 2 weeks is no guarantee of faithfulness, even though you, yourself may have already fallen in love?

The best advice is to take your time with who ever you meet. If you give the relationship enough time and keep an eye out for red flags, soon or later these bad habits will be exposed or else she will prove to be the one.

It is not just about you, she has feelings to.

Be a man about it.


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