
The Dream Comes with a Price

The dream of living in Thailand comes with an enormous price for young people.

If you can afford an Elite VISA, and have money, you are home free.

If you cannot afford an Elite VISA, your choices are limited to getting a low paying job teaching English.

If you have mad computer skills and can earn US $80,000 a year, you might qualify for the new LTR VISA.

Outside of getting married to a Thai, that is it.

There are 1,000 foolish, young, expat Youtuber’s in Thailand that think they have it all figured out.

Newsflash! They don’t.

Every year wasted living in Thailand is making their retirement impossible.

Youtuber’s live for today, trying to make enough money to survive in their little box condo and pay for their visa border bounces.

No assets, no savings, just a dream to be the next Mark Wien’s.

These Youtubers throw around 100’s of stories how cheap Thailand is.

They don’t even have a clue that they are just barely surviving.

Where other have worked their entire lives, paid into the system and built up a pension, these Youtubers and young people will have nothing for retirement.

10 years later when the dream wears off and they return home, pissed they wasted 10 years of their life.

The price of not working and paying into the system to get a pension later when no one wants to see your old face on Youtube is a huge price to pay and by then it is too late.

No matter if it is Thailand or Tahiti, people will always get old, older and too old to work.

Did you pay your dues, pay into the system and how have enough money to retire?

Or do you get sent packing back to your old age home in your own country?

Thailand takes money to survive day to day, more money to live year to year and and even more when it is time to retire.

For those of you thinking about the dream of Thailand?

Be warned!

Not working and saving for your retirement will doom you sooner than you think.

No one works for ever, hope you get the message before it is too late.


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