
The Key

The real key to the best life you can having living in Thailand is being able to speak the language. So many people never bother to learn more than a few Thai words and miss the true essence of being able to communicate with all the Thai people they meet.

Whether Thai or Isaan, the key to the happiest life is speaking the language.

Learning any language does take discipline, effort and practice but it is not impossible.

You take it one bite at a time.

Take a look at your daily interactions with Thai people and learn those first.

How to order food in the market?

How to ask what, when, where, how, who?

Learning foods you will order over and over again.

Learn to ask directions.

If you look at your own daily situations in Thailand, you can learn this part of the language that you will actually use.

Even with those skills, you can still interact with the locals.

It is not as hard as it seems if you learn small segments you will actually use everyday, instead of trying to become fluent.

There are tons of instruction videos on Youtube to help you get started.

There are also many good apps like Mondly.


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