
Tired of Thailand?

There was a point in time where you got tired of living in the country you were born in and grew up in.

So tired in fact, that you decided to pack it in and move to Thailand.

The joys of Thailand!

The wonderfully super hot weather, monsoon rains and floods.

The exquisite beaches and islands.

A nice tiny condo with a view.

The new and exciting language, culture and challenges.

Tons of things to see and do.

But years after the shine has worn off and you grow tired of Thailand, the same as you did with your own country, then what options does a person have?

Tired of having limited to no sincere friends.

Missing family back home, grand-kids, etc.

Or just tired because over the years you have already seen and done everything in Thailand and you want new adventures?

We keep a house in Florida USA.

We don’t go back as much as we use to and selling it would make us quite well off financially.

But somewhere in my husband’s mind, years and years later, he is still not convinced Thailand is the final stop.

As a Thai, me either.

The same as we grew tired of Florida, when our lovely area grew and grew and grew until it is a hassle just to get around.

Once you sell up and have no where else to go, Thailand becomes your personal home and everything that goes with living in Thailand.

Then Thailand becomes just like your home country.

A day to day regime no different than what you did at home.

I think the answer, as all answers in Thailand come down to, is whether you have enough money to travel internationally to surrounding countries, to break up the monotony of living in one place for so many years.

If not, Thailand can get pretty boring after you have seen all their is to see and do.

I am very sure we do NOT want to live in Florida any longer, but question whether or not there is a better life somewhere other than Thailand?


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