
Try Looking Ahead

If you are planning to move to Thailand fulltime, you should try looking ahead.

Look ahead to what happens after the newness wears off?

Looking 5 or 10 years ahead.

I always thought for foreigners, there is a certain Thailand persona for single men, that completely changes after you get married and settle down into a normal life.

You should look ahead and understand if that is a life you can live with?

Making decisions for the right now is not a smart thing to do and many people have trapped themselves into a place and life that they no longer enjoy.

This possibly could have been avoided if they looked ahead a few years.

The cost of living as well.

No one can enjoy living on the dirt cheap their entire lives, sorry.

Looking ahead, as circumstances change, whether or not you will have the money to change with them?

Land, a house, new car, tuition, kids, all can change the cost of living in Thailand.

Look ahead and figure out what it might take to stay here the rest of your life?

Look ahead and try to figure out what will make you happy the rest of your life?

It is better to be safe than sorry.


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