Vaping is illegal in Thailand and you do not want to find that out the hard way.
Vaping has been banned in Thailand since 2014. The mods, juices and disposable vapes are categorically prohibited.
There is no excuse. Even proving that you brought the vape for personal use isn’t acceptable to authorities. If they catch you, you are in trouble.
There are various kinds of penalties. Being caught vaping or even with a vape in your possession could cost you 30,000 Baht (910 USD) fine or/and a jail sentence of up to 5 years.
Luckily, there are no known incidents of somebody going to jail for 5 years for vaping to the full extent.
When people get caught, they are forced to pay a bribe to the police, or spend a few days in jail and pay an actual fine.
The black market for vapes is thriving in Thailand, and you can buy disposable vapes on every street corner in big cities or small islands.
It doesn’t matter where you go; you will find colorful devices in various flavors in the street markets; you can even order online and get it delivered to your door.
In Phuket, a French woman was fined 40,000 Baht (1,200 USD) and deported. She was stopped by police while holding a vape pen when she was a passenger on a scooter.
Even though vaping devices are sold everywhere, if you want to risk getting arrested, a large fine, jail time and being deported, all so you can vape, don’t say we didn’t warn you.