
When It’s Time to Leave

Thailand is a wonderful adventure for millions of tourists. However, when it is time to leave, many are left with the idea that Thailand is this Utopia they experienced on their holiday.

The wheels start turning with many thinking they must move to Thailand and they rack their brains trying out how to figure out a way to make that happen.

Compared to many tourists cities and towns, Thailand seems like a magical dream.

Only it isn’t.

Thailand is like a siren that calls out for sailors from the depth of the seas.

Living in Thailand, having to work to pay for a life in Thailand, is no different than working and paying for your life in your own country.

Understand a holiday is a pocketful of money and all the time in the world to do whatever you want, whenever you want.

Try working 50 or 60 hours a week in Thailand.

The magic will wear off quite quickly and Thailand will just be another place you despise.

It is not Thailand, sorry about that.

It is the fact you are temporarily away from your own mundane life in your home country.

Thailand is nothing but a temporary mental escape, paid for by working your tail off in your own country and saving enough money for a short holiday.

Did you ever calculate how much you spent in Thailand for your 1 week holiday?

There are 52 weeks in a year.

Take the amount you spent on your holiday and multiply it by 52. That will be the minimum you need each year to live the holiday life you experienced.

Making 52 times your 1 week holiday spend is probably out of reach for 98% of the people.

When it is time to leave, be thankful for your holiday experience.

Get back to work saving money so you can holiday in Thailand again.

Never be confused if you move here, everyday will be a holiday if you have to work to support yourself.

Retiree’s can rejoice.

They have spent their entire lives working so that they can move to Thailand and enjoy the holiday experience the rest of their lives.

Life isn’t about just moving to Thailand.

It’s all about how to pay for that life until you die.


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