We follow very few Youtuber’s here, with the one caveat that they have to live in Thailand.
There are so many Youtuber’s that are in Thailand with no VISA and spinning all kinds of wild stories to get enough subscribers to pay their way to live in Thailand.
We simply cannot support or subscribe to people that mislead the unsuspecting, make up stories, lie etc. just to make enough money to stay/live in Thailand.
There are a bunch of Youtuber’s we would never recommend.
Thai Talk with Dan (Wife divorced him because he was broke; yet he blames her and all Thai women.)
Keis One (40 year still skateboarding in Bangkok like 12 year old)
Thairish Times (He was sent packing after 12 years with a wife and kid in tow due to no finances)
Jonny There is Something Happening (Monger)
Retired Working for You (He has every kind of financial scam going you can think of. Not retired. Pitches his way over priced services for tours and real estate to the unsuspecting.)
Holistic Trainer (Big nosed foreigner who basically pimps his silicon girlfriend out in too small bikinis. Now his 13 year old son has joined and it is just gross the way the 13 year is ogling her and following her around. What ever happened to school?

The list goes on and on and on.
The only thing to learn from Youtuber’s that live in Thailand is when they lay their whole life out there for us to learn from. The good, the bad, the struggles, heartaches etc.
The big issue I see is many of these Youtuber’s have another 40 years to live and are already living with no retirement plan, no pension savings or anything. (Not the place to be in old age without a solid fixed income).
What will they do they they are 65 to 70 with no income?
The only sure fire way to trust anyone, is to find people that have lived in Thailand and lay the entire truth on the line.
Not easy to sort of the 1% of the good Youtuber’s from the 99% here spinning crazy stories.
Some of these Youtubers on our do not support list already have 400,000+ subscribers meaning they are sucking in the masses with their fake stores.
No thanks!
If you follow their advice in Thailand and get banged up in Thailand, it is your own fault for being that stupid and gullible.
Your mother told you not the believe everything you hear!