After buying a house, land, cars, it is time to settle into daily Thai life.
Once the initial outlay of cash is spent, living in Thailand becomes the same as anywhere else, albeit depending on your living style, it may or may not be cheaper.
Once you have purchased everything and settled in, you will still have bills for electricity (unless you go solar), water bill, mobile phone bill, cable TV bill, internet bill, car/motorbike insurance, health insurance, food, trash service (depending where you live) and gas.
If you have kids, you might have education costs.
We spend around 30,000 thb per month for all our bills and food. (That is only paying the bills listed above that are due each month. We do not owe anything we have to make payments on).
Depending on where and how you live, the bills could be substantially higher.
Not much different than the life you came from.
You have a budget and pay the bills each month.
Expats need to navigate things such as foreign bank account/money transfers each month, annual visa costs and other things you did not have in your own country.
Once you are settled in Thailand, paying monthly bills is normal, the same as it was before you moved here.
Cleaning, mowing, washing the cars, fixing things around the house all become normal, same as you did before.
Before long you get use to the routine and settle into your new daily life in Thailand.
Thailand becomes just like your old home, except in a new environment and new language.
Settling into a routine in Thailand is quite simple.
Once you are all settled in and understand how/where to pay your bills, you are home free!