
Everyday Can’t Be

Everyday you live in Thailand cannot be a holiday. Just like anywhere else in the world.

Unless you are retired and have a good pension, you have to work, the same as your own country.

Many younger people move to Thailand with no clue about the future or how much it will cost to spend the rest of their life in Thailand.

Surviving on Youtube will be short lived.

Teaching English 6 days a week for $1,000 a month gets old really fast.

That holiday life you enjoyed when you first came to Thailand on a holiday is non-existent when you move here, unless you have the money to afford it.

I am really starting to believe if you want to live the life you think you are going to live, that you need to make ~ US $4,000 to $5,000 per month.

How many of you could make that much in your own countries?

The flip side is seeing how long you can live on the cheap until you get completely sick of not having what you want or the money to do the things you want to do before you give up?

I can never understand why people think Thailand is some magical place where they won’t have to work and will be able to be happy forever?

Stop reading all the wonderful Thailand holiday stories and start reading some of the horrors of living in Thailand, running out of money, going home to live with Mom and Dad.

Not being able to find a job because all those years in Thailand was worthless experience.

That is the reality of thinking you will move here with nothing and stay here forever.

I try to warn you as much as possible, however, there are tons of Youtuber’s telling you different. Live cheap!

What they don’t tell you is what happens when you get sick of not having the money to live the life you want?

What do they know? None of them will be around here when they are age 65.

All one has to do is look how hard Thai people have to work just to survive in their own country.

If that doesn’t convince you that life is not easy here, you deserve to learn the hard way.


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