
🇹🇭 MisMatched Relationships

Thailand is the world champion’s of mismatched relationships.

It is not uncommon to see:

  1. 30+ year age differences
  2. Obese expats thin Thai women
  3. Advanced educated expats with non-educated Isaan Girls.
  4. Retired professional expats with Bar/Go-Go Girls.
  5. Limited income expats living at their Thai wives home/land.
  6. Financially well-off expats with poor Thai women
  7. Skint expats married to professional educated Thai women
  8. The list goes on and on and on

In Thailand, love in a relationship is a rare thing.

Mismatched relationships are often the result of 2 people that have specific needs and are willing to sacrifice to have their needs met.

That is the #1 reason you see what appear to be so many mismatched relationships.

You have to be honest here.

Not every expat is educated, rich or good looking.
