If you are coming to Thailand for the first time, don’t be misled.
What you see in the colored brochures and social media videos is anything but the truth.
This is what you are thinking?

This is the reality of over-tourism in the high season.

You do not want to spend your hard earned money on a holiday to Thailand, only to find out it isn’t the dream Youtuber’s make it out to be.
Thailand thrives on tourism. For Thailand, the more tourists, the more tourist dollars pouring into the country.
What they don’t want you to know, is the severely over-crowded tourist situation.
Coming to Thailand during high season (Nov. to Feb.) you may find out the hard way as over-crowding, traffic congestion, soaring prices and limited availability make things anything but enjoyable.
Understanding the issues of over-tourism and the high season, will greatly enhance your chances of the holiday you are dreaming of.
As a Thai, I never go anywhere in the high season. It’s maddening.
The low season offers so much more of the kind of holiday you are looking for.
It is best to understand the massive size of the over-tourism issues before you plan your trip here.