
Can You Survive Thailand?

Once the holiday is over, many tourists make a decision to move here.

Moving away from your homeland after a tourist experience is probably 100%, not a wise idea.

But that does not stop many from trying.

If you are retired and have a guaranteed income, things would be much easier than if you have to work or make money the rest of your life to survive here.

Many tourists lose sight of the fact, that once they move to Thailand, it is anything but a holiday.

What exactly do you think you will be doing everyday, the rest of your life?

How will you pay for it?

Will you have the money to live the kind of life that can keep you excited and motivated the rest of your life in Thailand?

Moving to Thailand is the easy part.

Surviving here the rest of your life is the huge challenge.

My husband has been to every Thai province.

He has seen and done everything 100 times.

You can run out of things to see and do.

Sooner or later, you have to accept and settle into a normal, daily routine.

That will be the majority of the rest of your life.

It is not all go, go, go, seeing new sites everyday, fancy hotels, attractions, and tours.

It is waking up to the same daily routine you probably left in your home country.

For many, this becomes very mundane and boring.

Owning a house, doing maintenance tasks, cutting the grass, washing the car, getting groceries. You know the routine.

Or maybe you cannot own a house and will be stuck in a rental condo the rest of your life?

Except now you are in Thailand, it is hot as hell outside and you are wondering why in the world you moved here?

Happens to many.

Surviving Thailand the rest of your life is a huge mental challenge.

You NEED the money to live a life that will make you happy.

You need hobbies and things to overcome when Thailand’s daily routine becomes boring.

You need to be in a location that suits your personally, so that you wake up every morning with something to keep you busy and happy.

You need to look ahead to what kind of life you will have at age 70+.

The big question is can you survive daily life in Thailand for the rest of your life?

Give it some thought and see what you see playing out the rest of your life?

What kind of daily life are you expected and can your needs be met?

The shine and fascination of Thailand can wear off quite quickly if you have not thought about surviving daily life here.


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