
Debunking the Cheap Myth

If you spend time on social media, including Youtube and Facebook, you will be bombarded with stories and videos about how cheap it is to live in Thailand.

Let us debunk that myth and give some straight answers.

You can find cheap places to rent, very small condo’s for 1 person.

The downside to this is these condos are very small and it won’t be long before you are longing for a bigger space. (not so cheap). All the time you are renting, is money out the window. No assets or equity. Pollution in Bangkok and Chiang Mai is a real issue these days.

Food is Cheap

Food is cheap IF you can eat like a Thai person eating Thai Street Food everyday. However, when you get down to the research, street food is very unhealthy. High levels of sugar, salt and carcigens from poor quality cooking oil.

If you want western food, the fact is you will pay more for a burger/fries, pizza, steak or anything else from the west than your own country. It is not cheap.


I like one of the biggest issues from all these Youtuber’s posted how to cheap it is to live here, is none of them have a proper VISA because they cannot meet the qualifications.

Single retirement VISA need to park 800,000 thb in the bank each year.

For those married to a Thai, a marriage VISA requires 400,000 thb parked in the bank each year.

VISA Elite cost $10,000’s of US dollars; not cheap.

Most under 50 years of age do not qualify for any VISA. That means traveling around every 90 days to foreign countries doing “border bounces”; which isn’t cheap.


If you live like a normal person and use the aircon every hour, you will find your electric bill will cost as much as your home country. Add in mobile phone, internet, trash/water the cost adds up.


Transportation is one thing that is relatively cheap. Taxis, motorbike taxis, BTS, MRT are all relatively cheap cheap compared to the west. Where the cost comes in is when you have to hire transportation every single day; it can add up quickly.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is not cheap for a full coverage package and there is always the chance the provider will deny your claim for a variety of reasons. Do your own research here and find an avenue you can afford. Make sure the company has a solid history of paying claims!


Tourist area nightclubs and restaurants are NOT cheap. Rooftop bars are not cheap. If you plan to pay for a girl from a GoGo, don’t be surprised if after drinks, bar fine and her costs if you are over US $100.


You can buy cheap knock-off clothing from China almost anywhere. You get what you pay for, as the quality is very cheap and the clothes do not last. If you want to buy the real brand name clothes in the Malls, you will pay more for them year.


At the end of the day, you get what you pay for. In the west you have no qualms about spending $1,000 for a genuine Iphone. Here in Thailand, it is no cheaper sorry. Thailand is only cheaper, if you live cheaper, eat cheaper and buy cheaper things.

If you wanted to replicate your life in west, I can tell you for a fact it is NOT cheaper.

Don’t believe this Youtuber’s. Do your own research and understand the facts.

I personally would not try to live here unless I had at least 60,000 thb per month guaranteed.


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